; Star Trek for Windows Messages ; ; This file controls what planets will say to you ; and the allowable responses you can make. This file ; can be changed, but I suggest you keep a backup ; just in case. ; ; Here are some guidlines for writing new messages: ; ; _ Used to insert a newline in the 'Info' lines ; % General: must be followed only two letters/numbers ; %Wn Placed before the message, it makes the program wait ; n seconds before display the message ; %nn Requires that condition number nn is met to include ; this in the pool of messages. ; ; ; REQUIREMENT TABLE ; ---------------------------------------------- ; nn Meaning ; 00 Never include. ; 0q Include q*10% of the time (Random) ; 10 Must have EN upgrade level 1 ; 11 Must have SH upgrade level 1 ; 12 Must have PT upgrade level 1 ; 13 Must have SN upgrade level 1 ; 14 Must have TB upgrade level 1 ; 15 Must have EN upgrade level 2 ; 16 Must have SH upgrade level 2 ; 17 Must have PT upgrade level 2 ; 18 Must have SN upgrade level 2 ; 19 Must have TB upgrade level 2 ; 20 Planet must have no energy ; 21 Planet must have Energy level=1 ; 22 Planet must have Energy level=2 ; 23 Planet must have Energy level=3 ; 24 Planet must have some energy ; 25 Planet must have Energy level 2 or 3 ; 26 Must have EN upgrade level > 2 ; 27 Must have SH upgrade level > 2 ; 28 Must have PT upgrade level > 2 ; 29 Must have SN upgrade level > 2 ; 30 Must have TB upgrade level > 2 ; 31 Flag A must be set ; 32 Flag B must be set ; 33 Flag C must be set ; 34 Flag D must be set ; 35 Flag E must be set ; 36 Flag F must be set ; 37 Flag G must be set ; 38 Flag A must be clear ; 39 Flag B must be clear ; 40 Flag C must be clear ; 41 Flag D must be clear ; 42 Flag E must be clear ; 43 Flag F must be clear ; 44 Flag G must be clear ; 45 Planet must have a treaty with you ; ; %AN Gets replaced with the name of that alien race. ; %RK Gets replaced with the rank of the player. (Captain) ; %NM Gets replaced with the name of the player. ; ; * General: Located after the message. Uses all characters ; until end-of-line or another * is reached. ; *Mx Switches to Message level x (used in 'Response' lines) ; *Rx Switches to Response level x (used in 'Message' lines) ; *An Allow Energy Extraction for n days ; *SFx Set Flag x (A-G) ; *CFx Clear Flag x (A-G) ; *Hn Hit the shields as a klingon would for approximately n. ; *DSn Damage system number n (n must be 1-8) for a random amount ; *D!Sn Destroy system number n (n must be 1-8) ; NOTE: systems are numbered as they appear on the Damage Report ; *-xn Subtracts n from x (n can be any number valid for x's) ; *+xn Adds n to x (n can be any number valid for x's) ; ; VALID x's FOR PLUS AND MINUS ; ---------------------------------- ; x Meaning ; PT Torpedos ; PTU Upgraded Torpedos ; PO Probes ; EN Energy ; ENM Energy Capacity ; TI Time ; ; ; $x$ Used just before the message, it changes the text "Message ; from Planet:" to x if x is "BOX" then the message ; is not from the planet, but instead appears in a ; message box ; ; ^xx Upgrades xx to next level (xx is: EN,SH,PT,SN,TB) [11 00 00] ; Plant + Dead Animal ; Primitive Info=There seems to be the_remains of a primative_animal species. Messages=0 Beam1=Your away team finds a few piles of bones, but little else. BeamMessages=2 Beam2=Your away team finds a large impact crater from a meteroid which may have caused this planet's animal life to be extinct. [11 00 01] ; Plant + Dead Animal ; Sub-Warp Info=There are ruins of_ancient cites. Messages=0 BeamMessages=4 Beam1=You find many old and decaying artifacts which resemble some from Earth's past. Beam2=You find many artifacts which have no significant value to your mission. Beam3=%25Your away team finds a nuclear power plant which can restore some of our energy reserves.*+EN500 Beam4=%23Your away team finds dilithium crystals which will increase your energy capacity!*+ENM1000 [11 00 10] ; Plant + Dead Animal ; Warp Info=There was once a_civilization here that_used warp drive. Messages=0 BeamMessages=8 Beam1=You find many old and decaying technological artifacts. Beam2=Your away team finds 5 torpedos!*+PT5 Beam3=Your away team finds 4 torpedos!*+PT4 Beam4=Your away team finds 3 torpedos!*+PT3 Beam5=Your away team finds 2 torpedos!*+PT2 Beam6=%23Your away team finds dilithium crystals which will increase your energy capacity!*+ENM2000 Beam7=Your away team finds 2 probes!*+PO2 Beam8=Your away team finds a probe!*+PO1 [11 00 11] ; Plant + Dead Animal ; Advanced Info=There was once a_civilaztion here that_surpassed our technology. Messages=0 BeamMessages=8 Beam1=You find many technological artifacts which you do not comprehend. Beam2=Your away team finds 3 torpedos!*+PT3 Beam3=Your away team finds 2 torpedos!*+PT2 Beam4=%23Your away team finds dilithium crystals which will increase your energy capacity!*+ENM2000 Beam5=%23Your away team finds dilithium crystals which will increase your energy capacity!*+ENM5000 Beam6=Your away team finds 2 probes!*+PO2 Beam7=Your away team finds a probe!*+PO1 Beam8=%07Your away team finds a full set of upgrades!^EN^PT^SH^SN^TB [00 00 00] ; No life Info=This planet does not_support any life. Messages=0 BeamMessages=1 Beam1=Your away team finds nothing. [01 00 00] ; Plant Info=This planet has only_plant life. Messages=0 BeamMessages=4 Beam1=Your away team takes plant samples and returns to the ship. Beam2=Your away team loses interest after hours of surveying. Beam3=Your away team discovers the beginings of animal life in the oceans. Beam4=Your away team is striken with a severe rash. [10 00 00] ; Plant + Animal ; Enemy - Aggresive ; Primitive Info=This planet supports_life, but it is still_primitive. Messages=0 BeamMessages=5 Beam1=Your away team was beaten sensless. 200 units of energy were diverted to sick bay.*-EN200 Beam2=Your away team was transported back after being greeted by large toothy grins and bone utensils. Beam3=Your away team stunned several of the beasts before being transported back. Beam4=Your away team hid behind foliage and observed the creatures until they were spotted and had to return. Beam5=The members of your away team were hailed as gods on arrival, they would not beam back. [10 00 01] ; Plant + Animal ; Enemy - Aggresive ; Sub-Warp Info=This planet supports a_civilization which_has just started to_travel in space. Messages=1 Message1=$Intercepted from radio:$There seems to be a large warship orbiting our planet. They have come to destroy us! Responses=0 ResponsesHail=3 ResponseHail1=This is %RK %NM of the Federation Starship Enterpirse. ResponseHail2=We mean you no harm, we wish to refill our energy supply.*MEnergy ResponseHail3=Please, do not be alarmed. We are not here to destroy you. MessagesHail=2 MessageHail1=$Intercepted from radio:$The orbiting ship has made an attempt at communication. This can go on no longer. Fire nuclear weapons!*H200 MessageHail2=$Intercepted from radio:$Since the vessel appears to be picking up our radio waves, it can hear this. The %AN will not allow you to continue meanacing our people. Leave at once. MessagesEnergy=1 MessageEnergy1=Since your people are so advanced, why don't you try to come and get it. MessagesEnergyPhaser=3 MessageEnergyPhaser1=%24Okay, you may get energy, but only for two days, no more.*A2*SFA MessageEnergyPhaser2=%20We have no energy to give you. We have problems producing it ourselves.*RGive MessageEnergyPhaser3=You have made an act of war! We will fight you with our last breath!*SFB ResponsesGive=4 ResponseGive1=We will give you 500 units of our energy.*-EN500*MGivenA ResponseGive2=We will give you 1000 units of our energy.*-EN1000*MGivenB ResponseGive3=We will give you dylithium crystals which will hold 500 units of energy.*-ENM500*-EN500*MGivenC ResponseGive4=That's a shame.*MNone MessagesGivenA=1 MessageGivenA1=Thank you. We are most grateful. You may leave peacefully.*SFA MessagesGivenB=1 MessageGivenB1=Thank you. If you come back later, we could maybe exchange some items.*SFC MessagesGivenC=1 MessageGivenC1=Thank you! You have helped us even after we threatened you. Come back some time and we can swap battle stories!*SFD [10 00 10] ; Plant + Animal ; Enemy - Aggresive ; Warp Info=This planet supports a_civilization which_uses warp drive. Messages=1 Message1=You may not enter our space. We are %AN! You shall die! Responses=2 Response1=We mean your people no harm. We have no quarrel with you. Response2=This is %RK %NM of the Federation Starship Enterpirse. ResponsesHail=1 ResponseHail1=This is %RK %NM of the Federation Starship Enterpirse. [10 00 11] ; Plant + Animal ; Enemy - Aggresive ; Advanced Info=This planet supports a_civilization which_surpasses our technology. Messages=3 Message1=You are no match for the %AN! Prepare to be destroyed! Message2=%W3You are in %AN space. Fire main disrupter!*D!S6 Message3=%W3You are in our space. Fire main phaser!*D!S5 Responses=3 Response1=Wait We beg of you, we are only here for repairs.*MA Response2=Wait! We are on a peaceful mission of exploration.*MA Response3=This is %RK %NM of the Federation Starship Enterpirse.*MB MessagesA=4 MessageA1=That is what they all say.*DS5 MessageA2=That is what all conquerers say.*DS4 MessageA3=I cannot believe what you say.*D!S5 MessageA4=You cannot be serious, but I am dead serious.*D!S4 MessagesB=1 MessageB1=Take your Enterprise and leave.*H800 ResponsesHail=1 ResponseHail1=This is %RK %NM of the Federation Starship Enterpirse. [10 01 00] ; Plant + Animal ; Enemy - Passive ; Primitive Info=This planet supports_life, but it is still_primitive. Messages=0 [10 01 01] ; Plant + Animal ; Enemy - Passive ; Sub-Warp Info=This planet supports a_civilization which_has just started to_travel in space. Messages=1 Message1=$Intercepted from radio:$There seems to be a large space ship orbiting our planet. Ready all defenses! Responses=0 [10 01 10] ; Plant + Animal ; Enemy - Passive ; Warp Info=This planet supports a_civilization which_uses warp drive. Messages=2 Message1=%W2The %AN demand that you go away! Message2=%W3Go away! Responses=2 Response1=We mean your people no harm. We just wanted to survey this system. Response2=I am %RK %NM of the Federation Starship Enterpirse. ResponsesHail=1 ResponseHail1=This is %RK %NM of the Federation Starship Enterpirse. [10 01 11] ; Plant + Animal ; Enemy - Passive ; Advanced Info=This planet supports a_civilization which_surpasses our technology. Messages=3 Message1=We did not ask you to come here! Message2=Leave at once! Message3=Why have you invaded our space? Responses=3 Response1=We are only here for repairs.*MA Response2=We are on a peaceful mission of exploration.*MA Response3=This is %RK %NM of the Federation Starship Enterpirse.*MB ;MessagesA=4 ;MessageA1=That is what they all say.*DS5 ;MessageA2=That is what all conquerers say.*DS4 ;MessageA3=I cannot believe what you say.*D!S5 ;MessageA4=You cannot be serious, But I am dead serious.*D!S4 ;MessagesB=1 ;MessageB1=Take your Enterprise and leave.*H400 ResponsesHail=1 ResponseHail1=This is %RK %NM of the Federation Starship Enterpirse. [10 10 00] ; Plant + Animal ; Friend - Bussiness ; Primitive Info=This planet supports_life, but it is still_primitive. Messages=0 [10 10 01] ; Plant + Animal ; Friend - Bussiness ; Sub-Warp Info=This planet supports a_civilization which_has just started to_travel in space. Messages=0 [10 10 10] ; Plant + Animal ; Friend - Bussiness ; Warp Info=This planet supports a_civilization which_uses warp drive. Messages=1 Message1=I haven't seen you around this system. Who are you? Responses=4 Response1=This is %RK %NM of the Federation Starship Enterpirse.*MHello Response2=Oh, just some travelers looking for some energy.*MRefuel Response3=Ah, um, who are you?*MHello Response4=%30Someone who you wish to do business with.*MSecret ResponsesHail=1 ResponseHail1=This is %RK %NM of the Federation Starship Enterpirse. MessagesHail=2 MessageHail1=Uh, we didn't do it.*SFA*ROffensive MessageHail2=Hello, would you like to get an upgrade?*RUpgrade ResponsesUpgrade=6 ResponseUpgrade1=%10I would like an energy upgrade.*MEN ResponseUpgrade2=%11I would like a shields upgrade.*MSH ResponseUpgrade3=%12I would like a photon upgrade.*MPT ResponseUpgrade4=%13I would like a senesor upgrade.*MSN ResponseUpgrade5=%14I would like a torpedo bay upgrade.*MTB ResponseUpgrade6=Not right now, thank you.*MNone ResponseUpgrade7=I came looking for energy.*MRefuel MessagesRefuel=3 MessageRefuel1=OK. Just let me have 3 torpedoes and I will let you stay for as long as you like.*-PT3*A1000*RNone MessageRefuel2=%39Alright. I'll tell you what. I'll let you have 2 free days if you tell your friends where you got it.*SFB*A2 MessageRefuel3=Sorry, the pumps are closed right now.*RNone MessagesEN=4 MessageEN1=%24%08Here's your energy upgrade. It will cost 3 torpedos.^EN*-PT5*RNone MessageEN2=%24%06Here's your energy upgrade. It will cost a probe.^EN*-PO2*RNone MessageEN3=%24I'm sorry, I don't have one.*RTry MessageEN4=%20I can't give you one. I can't produce that much energy.*RNone MessagesSH=3 MessageSH1=%16%06Here's your shields upgrade. I'll only charge you 3 torpedos.^SH*-PT3*RNone MessageSH2=%16%08Here's your shields upgrade. It'll give it to you for 1 probe.^SH*-PO1*RNone MessageSH3=I'm sorry, I don't have one.*RTry MessagesPT=3 MessagePT1=%16%06Here's your photon upgrade. I'll only charge you 12 Class 1 torpedos.^SH*-PT12*RNone MessagePT2=%16%04Here's your photon upgrade. It'll give it to you for 3 probes.^SH*-PO3*RNone MessagePT3=I'm sorry, I don't have one.*RTry MessagesSN=2 MessageSN1=%18%05Here's your sensor upgrade. I'll need 4 torpedos for that.^SN*-PT4*RNone MessageSN2=I'm sorry, I don't have one.*RTry MessagesTB=2 MessageTB1=%19%05Here's your torpedo bay upgrade. I'll take 3 probes for it.^TB*-PO3*RNone MessageTB2=I'm sorry, I don't have one.*RTry ResponsesTry=1 ResponseTry1=Could you look in the back room, please? I'll take any upgrade. MessagesTry=6 MessageTry1=%24%10%04Take an energy upgrade.^EN*RNone MessageTry2=%11%04Take a shields upgrade.^SH*RNone MessageTry3=%12%04Take a photon upgrade.^PT*RNone MessageTry4=%14%04Take a torpedo bay upgrade.^TB*RNone MessageTry5=%13%04Take a sensor upgrade.^SN*RNone MessageTry6=I'm sorry, I don't have any.*RNone MessagesHello=1 MessageHello1=I have some upgrades I could sell you. Would you like one?*MUpgrade MessagesNotFriendly=1 MessageNotFriendly1=Now, now, we can't do business unless we are properly introduced. Our race is known as the %AN. Who are you? MessageUpgrade1=Which type of upgrade are you looking for? MessagesUpgrade=1 MessageUpgrade2=Test MessageTry7=Take an energy upgrade. [10 10 11] ; Plant + Animal ; Friend - Bussiness ; Advanced Info=This planet supports a_civilization which_surpasses our technology. Messages=4 Message1=Is there an upgrade I could sell you today?*RUpgrade Message2=Need an upgrade? It'll cost you!*RUpgrade Message3=Hey, I've got the finest upgrades you've seen. Mine can outperform my competitors any day of the week. Which type do you want?*RUpgrade Message4=I'm sorry, we are very busy right now please leave your frequency and flight plan with the secretary, and we'll get back to you. Your business is important to us!*RNone ResponsesUpgrade=6 ResponseUpgrade1=I'd like an energy upgrade.*MEN ResponseUpgrade2=I'd like a shields upgrade.*MSH ResponseUpgrade3=I'd like a photon upgrade.*MPT ResponseUpgrade4=I'd like a torpedo bay upgrade.*MTB ResponseUpgrade5=I'd like a sensor upgrade.*MSN ResponseUpgrade6=I just came for energy.*MRefuel MessagesRefuel=2 MessageRefuel1=OK. Just let me have 3 torpedoes and I will let you stay for as long as you like.*-PT3*A1000*RNone MessageRefuel2=Sorry, the pumps are closed right now.*RNone MessagesEN=4 MessageEN1=%24%08Here's your energy upgrade. It will cost 5 torpedos.^EN*-PT5 MessageEN2=%06%24Here's your energy upgrade. It will cost 2 probes.^EN*-PO2 MessageEN3=%24I'm sorry, I don't have one.*RTry MessageEN4=%20I can't give you one. I can't produce that much energy. MessagesSH=3 MessageSH1=%06%16Here's your shields upgrade. I'll only charge you 3 torpedos.^SH*-PT3 MessageSH2=%08%16Here's your shields upgrade. It'll give it to you for 1 probe.^SH*-PO1 MessageSH3=I'm sorry, I don't have one.*RTry MessagesPT=3 MessagePT1=%06%16Here's your photon upgrade. I'll only charge you 5 Class 1 torpedos.^SH*-PT5 MessagePT2=%04%16Here's your photon upgrade. It'll give it to you for 3 probes.^SH*-PO3 MessagePT3=I'm sorry, I don't have one.*RTry MessagesSN=2 MessageSN1=%05%18Here's your sensor upgrade. I'll need 4 torpedos for that.^SN*-PT4 MessageSN2=I'm sorry, I don't have one.*RTry MessagesTB=2 MessageTB1=%05%19Here's your torpedo bay upgrade. I'll take 3 probes for it.^TB*-PO3 MessageTB2=I'm sorry, I don't have one.*RTry ResponsesTry=1 ResponseTry1=Could you look in the back room, please? I'll take any upgrade. MessagesTry=6 MessageTry1=%05%24Take an energy upgrade.^EN*RNone MessageTry2=%05Take a shields upgrade.^SH*RNone MessageTry3=%05Take a photon upgrade.^PT*RNone MessageTry4=%05Take a torpedo bay upgrade.^TB*RNone MessageTry5=%05Take a sensor upgrade.^SN*RNone MessageTry6=I'm sorry, I don't have any.*RNone ResponsesHail=1 ResponseHail1=This is %RK %NM of the Federation Starship Enterpirse. [10 11 00] ; Plant + Animal ; Friend - Social ; Primitive Info=This planet supports_life, but it is still_primitive. Messages=0 [10 11 01] ; Plant + Animal ; Friend - Social ; Sub-Warp Info=This planet supports a_civilization which_has just started to_travel in space. Messages=0 ResponsesHail=1 ResponseHail1=This is %RK %NM of the Federation Starship Enterpirse. [10 11 10] ; Plant + Animal ; Friend - Social ; Warp Info=This planet supports a_civilization which_uses warp drive. Messages=6 Message1=Hello, we are the %AN. Please come and join us on the surface.*SFA Message2=%24Do you require shore leave? The %AN would be glad to have you as our guest. You may refuel while we talk.*A1000*SFA Message3=%24%05You can refuel here if you like. Don't stay more than 2 days.*A2 Message4=%06%24You can refuel here if you like. Don't stay more than 4 days.*A4 Message5=%07%24You can refuel here if you like. Don't stay more than 10 days.*A10 Message6=Do you require shore leave? The %AN would be glad to have you as our guest.*SFA BeamMessages=5 Beam1=%31$BOX$Your crew is greeted well.*CFA Beam2=%31$BOX$The engineers in your away team learned a new energy conservation technique.*CFA Beam3=%31$BOX$The decrease in strain to the life support systems saved 500 units of energy.*CFA Beam4=%31While your crew were enjoying the scenery, one of the crew got into some trouble. You will have to wait a day for a hearing.*CFA Beam5=%38Your away team beams down, without permission, and finds that these people aren't quite as friendly as they seemed. ResponsesHail=1 ResponseHail1=This is %RK %NM of the Federation Starship Enterpirse.*M MessagesEarth=1 MessageEarth1=Welcome home, Enterprise!^EN^SH^PT^TB^SN*A1000 [10 11 11] ; Plant + Animal ; Friend - Social ; Advanced ;A - You already got our help with energy. ;B - I told you I don't have any upgrades. ;C - Hey, I am getting a little upset at all your requests for upgrades. ;D - Forbidden to get upgrades anymore. ;G - Grateful for energy received Info=This planet supports a_civilization which_surpasses our technology. Messages=2 Message1=Well, if it isn't one of those Federation folks. Would you like an upgrade? Message2=Hello, we are the %AN. Your ship looks as if it could use an upgrade. Would you like one? Responses=3 Response1=%41Yes, I'd like that.*MUpgrade Response2=No, I am in dire need of energy.*MRefuel Response3=No, thanks. I just came for the company.*MNone MessagesUpgrade=9 MessageUpgrade1=%39%24%07Take an energy upgrade.^EN MessageUpgrade2=%39%07Take a shields upgrade.^SH MessageUpgrade3=%39%07Take a photon upgrade.^PT MessageUpgrade4=%39%07Take a torpedo bay upgrade.^TB MessageUpgrade5=%39%07Take a sensor upgrade.^SN MessageUpgrade6=%40I'm sorry, I don't have any.*SFB MessageUpgrade7=%32%40How many times do I have to tell you? I don't have any upgrades left, you got all of them! Come back later.*SFC MessageUpgrade8=%39%33Hey, I just got some new ones in, would you like one?*RHello*CFC MessageUpgrade9=%32%33That does it! I am sick and tired of your incessant requests for upgrades! You are FORBIDDEN to receive upgrades from this planet forever!*SFD*RNone ResponsesUpgrade=3 ResponseUpgrade1=%24%38Can I still get energy?*MRefuel ResponseUpgrade2=%41I would like another upgrade.*MUpgrade ResponseUpgrade3=%34I would like another upgrade.*MMad MessagesRefuel=7 MessageRefuel1=%24Sure, why not? We can help you for as long as you like.*A1000 MessageRefuel2=%24Not right now, we are a little busy.*MNone MessageRefuel3=%21Sure, why not? We can help you for a little while.*A3 MessageRefuel4=%22Sure, why not? We can help you for a little while.*A2 MessageRefuel5=%23Sure, why not? We can help you for a little while.*A1 MessageRefuel6=%24Well, we are a little busy preparing for the Festival. Maybe later.*MNone MessageRefuel7=%20Our planet is incapable of producing energy in any quantity. I am truly sorry.*RGive ResponsesGive=4 ResponseGive1=We will give you 1000 units of our energy.*-EN1000*MGivenA ResponseGive2=We will give you 2000 units of our energy.*-EN2000*SFG*MGivenA ResponseGive3=We will give you dylithium crystals which will hold 1000 units of energy.*-ENM1000*-EN1000*MGivenB ResponseGive4=That must be hard to live with. MessagesGive=1 MessageGive1=It is, we have been struggling for thousands of years. Well, goodbye Enterprise, have a nice day.*RNone MessagesGivenA=6 MessageGivenA1=%44Thank you. We are most grateful.*SFG MessageGivenA2=%37Thank you. We are most grateful. Here, we will fill your torpedo bays.*+PT1000*+PTU1000 MessageGivenA3=%37Thank you. We are most grateful. Take this shields upgrade.^SH MessageGivenA4=%37Thank you. We are most grateful. Take this photon upgrade.^PT MessageGivenA5=%37Thank you. We are most grateful. We'll give you this torpedo bay upgrade.^TB MessageGivenA6=%37Thank you. We are most grateful. Have this sensor upgrade.^SN MessagesGivenB=6 MessageGivenB1=Thank you so much! How could we ever repay you? How about some upgrades!^SH^SN^TB*RNone MessageGivenB2=Thank you so much! How could we ever repay you? How about some upgrades!^PT^SN^TB*RNone MessageGivenB3=Thank you so much! How could we ever repay you? How about some upgrades!^PT^SH^SN*RNone MessageGivenB4=Thank you so much! How could we ever repay you? How about some upgrades!^PT^SH^TB*RNone MessageGivenB5=Thank you so much! How could we ever repay you? How about some torpedos!*+PT1000*+PTU1000*RNone MessageGivenB6=Thank you so much! How could we ever repay you? How about some probes!*+PO1000*RNone ResponsesHail=5 ResponseHail1=This is %RK %NM of the Federation Starship Enterpirse.*MHello ResponseHail2=%24We are in need of energy!*MRefuelHelp ResponseHail3=%20How can you live without energy?*MNoEnergy ResponseHail4=%41We could use an upgrade.*MUpgrade ResponseHail5=%34We could use an upgrade.*MMad MessagesNoEnergy=1 MessageNoEnergy1=Oh, we manage somehow. It has been like this for as long as anyone can remember.*RGive MessagesHello=2 MessageHello1=Hello %RK. We are glad to see you. Are you due for an upgrade? MessageHello2=Welcome %NM, would you like an upgrade? ResponsesHello=4 ResponseHello1=%41Yes.*MUpgrade ResponseHello2=%34Yes.*MMad ResponseHello3=No.*MNone ResponseHello4=No, but I could use some energy.*MRefuel MessagesRefuelHelp=3 MessageRefuelHelp1=%38Alright. If you need it that badly. I'll divert my crews to your ship immediately.*A1000*SFA MessageRefuelHelp2=%31I am sorry, but I really can't help you. Come back some other time.*RNone MessageRefuelHelp3=%31%34I am still mad about the upgrade thing. Come back later.*RNone MessagesReturned=3 MessageReturned1=%41Welcome back, Enterprise!*CFB MessageReturned2=Welcome back, Enterprise!*CFA MessageReturned3=%34Oh, it's you again. Did you come looking for upgrades?*RHello MessagesMad=1 MessageMad1=Oh, so you think you can just come in here and request an upgrade after what you did?*D!S4*D!S6*D!S8*H1000